Successful Stories
(INS Texas Service Center)

Updated June 10, 2005

Dr. Wang

Dr. Wang is a Ph.D. graduate in High Energy Physics from a top Chinese university. Dr. Wang also has extensive knowledge in astrophysics and cosmic ray physics while doing research for his Master's degree. Dr. Wang has published 13 articles along with numerous citations and he has authored more than 20 works for presentation at various international conferences.

Dr. Wang retained Z&A in 2004. Our attorney argued that Dr. Wang's work in gamma-ray astronomy, specifically detecting very high-energy gamma rays from astronomical objects, such as astrophysical jets from super-massive black holes, strong shocks from supernova remnants, and high energy emissions from strongly magnetized neutron stars will bring cutting edge understanding to some the great mysteries of the universe and help the U.S. maintain its leadership in this scientific topic.

Dr. Wang's papers were submitted in January of 2004 and were approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Kolinsky

Dr. Kolinsky has received extensive training in the field of biogeochemistry, specifically concerning the study of environmental element cycles and associated microbial populations. Dr. Kolinsky is an advanced degree professional in this field by virtue of his Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences from an American university. Dr. Kolinsky has published 8 articles and more than a dozen abstracts.

Dr. Kolinsky retained Z&A in 2003. Our attorney proved that national interest would be adversely affected if labor certificate is required for Dr. Kolinsky. Z&A pointed out that Dr. Kolinsky's data on specific processes and environmental conditions that enhance the removal of available forms of nitrogen will provide valuable information that allow scientist and water resource managers to make informed decisions about the most effective and cost-efficient strategies to handle the nitrogen pollution problem. Z&A also stated that the Dr. Kolinsky's research on pollution remediation in freshwater and particularly subsurface aquifer environment, which provide over 20% of all fresh water usage everyday is of foremost national interest.

The petition package was submitted in November of 2003 and was approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Kim

Dr. Kim is a Ph.D. graduate in Physics from on the best universities in the U.S. He has done research at esteemed national laboratories and has published nine articles and more than two dozen abstracts in some of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world. His articles have been cited nearly 60 times in the past four years.

Dr. Kim retained Z&A in 2003. Our attorney pointed out that Dr. Kim's work in quantum physics is of utmost national interest and deserves an immediate NIW. Z&A also argued that Dr. Kim's work is linked not only to the development of new generation nanocrystal based optoelectronic devices for telecommunication and commercial electronic industries bys also to the realization of solid state quantum compute with will hole the key to the national security in near future. We also stated that since the Clinton administration in 2002, the federal government has invested billion of dollars in this area of development and the extensive interest of the government certainly justifies Dr. Kim's petition for NIW.

The petition package was submitted in July of 2003 and was approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Lin

Dr. Lin is a very competitive researcher in the field of material science and nanotechnology. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. from American universities. He has published one article which has been included in an encyclopedia of his field.

Dr. Lin retained Z&A in 2003. Our attorney pointed out that Dr. Lin's work is of interest to the U.S. government, indicated by the FY 2003 budge of $774 million and projected 2004 budget of $847 million for nanotechnology research and development. Z&A also stressed that the increased understanding of properties of nano-materials promises to underlie revolutionary advances that will contribute to improvements in medicine, manufacturing, high-performance materials, information technology, and environmental technologies. Our team specifically pointed out that Dr. Chen's project in understanding carbon nano-materials is crucial in bridging the gaps of knowledge in this field of national interest.

The petition package was sent in October of 2003 and was approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Ning

Dr. Ning is a Ph.D. graduate in Electrical Engineering from a most distinguished university in America . Her work has centered on optical feeding networks for phased-array radar systems. She has published one article on her research topic so far.

Dr. Ning retained Z&A in 2003. Since then, our team has successfully petitioned a NIW on her behalf. Our attorney emphasized that Dr. Ning is a Ph.D. graduate from an American university and above that her work is of significant intrinsic value. Z&A stated that her research on phased array antennas will ultimately prove their extremely usefulness to the quality and capacity of our national defense. To illustrate t he national interest of her research, our attorney stated the funding of several government agencies interested in Dr. Ning's work. Further, our attorney proved that these technologies can bring benefits to the telecommunications industries, the economy, and ultimately the American people.

Dr. Ning's petition package was submitted in June of 2003 and was approved in January of 2005.

Ms. Nurada

Ms. Nurada earned her M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from an American university. She has published two articles and was cited several times in peer-reviewed journals. Her current work in integrated passive components fills a strong need of the electronics and computer industry.

Ms. Nurada retained Z&A in 2003. Z&A pointed out that Ms. Nurada's research has made it possible to eliminate the need to attach components such as capacitors, resistors and inductors to the circuit board at the time of the board level assembly. This work is essential to the continued technological success of electronic packaging in the U.S.

The petition package was submitted in December of 2003 and was approved in March of 2005.

Mr. Tang

Mr. Tang is a M.S. in Computer Science from an esteemed university in the U.S. He has published over 10 refereed articles in influential conferences and journals, two of which were accepted at the most prestigious forum on computer graphics in the world.

Mr. Tang retained Z&A in 2003. Z&A noticed that although Mr. Tang has not earned a Ph.D. degree he is currently in pursuit of one in a prestigious university in America . Our attorney also pointed out that Mr. Tang's work is one of substantial intrinsic merit in that it has assumed an elemental role in a wide range of important areas such as art design, scientific visualization, computer-based simulation, medical imaging, and even digital entertainment. Our attorney also argued that Dr. Tang's work on building a spatial database of gene expressions will lead to more rapid ways to identify potential drug targets for the treatment of genetic diseases.

The petition package was submitted in June of 2004 and was approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Hu

Prior to her arrival in America , Dr. Hu earned her B.S. from the top university in China . Dr. Hu is a Ph.D. graduate in one of the best universities in America . Currently Dr. Hu is doing postdoctoral research at a prestigious university involving exploring the effects of three-dimensional culturing on the grown and differentiation of stem cells. Dr. Hu has published four papers in English and Chinese.

Dr. Hu retained Zhang & Associates in 2003; our team proved why Dr. Hu is deserving of a NIW. Z&A successfully argued that if Dr. Hu was to obtain a labor certificate, national interest would be adversely affected. First, the type of research that Dr. Hu is committed to is one of significant importance. Z&A further explained that her research is focused on in vitro differentiation of stem cells into a variety of functional cells and organ structures of the body. This work is both scientifically and clinically significant; it will bring advanced treatments for diabetes, heart disease, and various nervous system diseases. Second, Dr. Hu has distinguished herself as a highly capable researcher. Her work in the U.S. and in China has brought her numerous awards, fellowships, and even funding from the U.S. government. Z&A successfully argued that if Dr. Hu was to obtain a labor certificate, national interest would be adversely affected.

Dr. Hu's petition package was submitted in March of 2003 and was approved in February of 2005.

Dr. Fei

Dr. Fei received her B.S., M.D., M.S. and Ph.D in OB/GYN in some of the finest universities in China . She has published 4 articles, one of which was in a top quality international circulated peer-reviewed journal.

Dr. Fei retained Z&A in 2004 for consultation on a NIW petition. Our attorney noted that Dr. Fei's research on MIS (Mullerian inhibiting substance) has led to the discovery that MIS balances the production of biosynthetic and metabolic enzymes for testosterone to maintain predominant androgen production at different age. Our team also pointed out that her research on male reproductive biology will affect nearly 40% of the 2.6 million infertile married couples in the United States . We also emphasized that her work can be used to develop improved therapies for treatment of hypogonadal boys and many other male sex related disorders.

Dr. Fei's petition package was sent in June of 2004 and was approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Gan

Dr. Gan is an outstanding chemist with substantial training and experience in designing and synthesizing novel compounds with biological activities, particularly anticancer drugs. Dr. Gan received his M.S. and Ph.D from two top universities in China majoring in Organic Chemistry and Pesticide Science respectively. He has published 32 articles in prestigious scientific journals, more than a dozen conference presentations, and two patents.

Dr. Gan retained Z&A in 2004. Our attorney review Dr. Gan's case and recommended that he apply for a NIW. Our team pointed out that Dr. Chen's work is of tremendous importance because it not only will further our understanding of cancer biology of synthetic vitamin E, but will also develop new drugs to cure cancer. With the "baby boomers" coming to the age of retirement and ill-health, Dr. Chen's research bring much needed knowledge about this high cancer risk population. Z&A attorney also argued that synthetic vitamin E is widely used in vitamin supplements, however, among eight different stereoisomers, only one of them is the same as natural vitamin E. Thus it is imperative that we understand the role each isomer may have on health issues, especially anticancer properties.

Dr. Gan's petition papers were submitted in March of 2004 and were approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Ming

Dr. Ming was trained in top medicals schools in China (M.D. and M.S.) and is continuing his Ph.D. studies at a renowned American college of medicine. Dr. Ming's research implements various experiments to better understand the intricacies of cardiac muscle cell apoptosis and cardiac development. Dr. Ming has published 8 articles and 7 abstracts in Chinese and English.

Dr. Ming retained Z&A in 2004. Our attorney compiled eight recommendation letters from some of the best in Dr. Ming's field of research on her behalf. Z&A also proved that Dr. Ming dedication in the field of cardiovascular diseases will greatly benefit the nation as a whole. Our attorney stressed that her study in mitogen-activated protein kinases in cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac development will enable researchers to prevent cells from programmed death, holding the promise for treating and curing a wide assortment of diseases in addition to heart failure such as Alzheimer's disease and diabetes.

The petition was submitted in February of 2004 and was approved in March of 2005.

Dr. Ganesh

Dr. Ganesh is a Ph.D. graduate in Biochemistry from an established American university.

Dr. Ganesh has published more than 30 articles which have been cited more than 130 times in prestigious scientific journals. He has been actively recruited by Nobel Laureates and his articles sought by top researchers in national institutes.

Dr. Ganesh retained Z&A in 2004. Z&A focused on Dr. Ganesh's extreme talent in our petition letter for a NIW. Our attorney stated that Dr. Ganesh's current research on Reelin, a glycoprotein that is involved with cortical development and is genetic factor in brain disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and autism will provide direct benefits for U.S. citizens. Not only that, his research in fruit-fly circadian rhythm field has led to two publications in the most prestigious science journal. Dr. Ganesh's research on biological clocks and brain functions will also provide crucial knowledge on the topic of jetlag that is among the U.S. Air Force's top priorities.

Dr. Ganesh's petition was sent out in October of 2004 and approved in March of 2005.

Updated June 3, 2005

Dr. Zhang

Dr. Zhang obtained his Ph. D. in Analytical Chemistry from a university in the Southwest of America in 2003 and his B.S. degree in Chemistry in his home country. He has 6 publications and first authored 3 of them.

Our attorney reviewed his resume and suggested that he may apply for his green card petition under the category of NIW. Dr. Zhang's publications are pretty recent and have very few citations of his works, but we stated in our petition letter that his research is of paramount importance to a national scope and how his research will be stalled if he were not able to stay in this country to continue his research.

The petition was filed with Texas Service Center and was approved in April 2005.

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