Zhang & Associates, P.C.

"Immigration law is a mystery and a mastery of obfuscation, and the lawyers who can figure it out are worth their weight in gold." — USCIS spokeswoman Karen Kraushaar

Zhang & Associates, P.C. (Z&A) has been dedicated to the practice of business-related and employment-based U.S. immigration law since its founding in May 1996.   Headquartered in Houston, TX, and with branch offices in   New York, NY,   Seattle, WA,   Silicon Valley, CA,   Los Angeles, CA,   Chicago, IL,   Austin, TX,   and   Madison, WI.   Z&A can handle U.S. immigration cases anywhere within and outside the U.S. By embracing the latest technology and consistently providing excellent professional service, Z&A has grown rapidly. To date, it has been the only law firm listed on The Houston 100. Z&A attorneys published their first book in Chinese, "American Case Law in Daily Lives."

As a premier immigration law firm, our highly experienced immigration lawyers can assist you with your legal needs. We provide not only comprehensive immigration services, but also detailed immigration consultations on a broad range of subjects.

Our firm is especially experienced in employment based I-140 immigration petitions, as we handle them on a daily basis. Through our expertise, we are able to turn average cases into strong ones. We have successfully filed over thousands of successful EB-1 (EB-1A Alien of Extraordinary Ability, EB-1B Outstanding Researcher/Outstanding Professor, EB-1C and Managers and Executive Transferees), EB-2 (National Interest Waiver and PERM Labor Certification), and I-485 petitions.

In addition, our firm also has extensive experience in non-immigrant working visas such as H-1B, L-1, O, E, J-1, two year waivers, and B extensions.

Our immigration attorneys handle their clients' cases by determining what evidence to show to the USCIS; that includes preparing petition letters, reviewing recommendation letters and other supporting documents, and following up on pending cases. Clerks assist attorneys with the preparation of each client's case package and act as liaisons between individual attorneys and our invaluable support staff. Each client's case submission is reviewed by one of our most experienced attorneys for quality control before it is sent to USCIS.

The immigration law firm of Zhang & Attorneys is currently comprised of eight attorneys licensed to practice law collectively in Texas, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Wisconsin, Hawaii, California, Colorado, Louisiana, Ohio and Tennessee.

Attorney Jerry Zhang and Attorney Victor Bush are licensed to practice law in Texas.

Attorney Jian Joe Zhou, Attorney Jane Xu, Attorney Bennett Wisniewski, Attorney Yazhou Wang is licensed to practice law in New York.

Attorney Jerry Zhang and Attorney Robert K. Feldman are licensed to practice law in Illinois.

Moreover, Attorney Jian Joe Zhou and Attorney Robert K. Feldman are licensed to practice law in Wisconsin. Attorney Bennett Wisniewski is licensed to practice law in Hawaii. Attorney Robert K. Feldman is licensed to practice law in Colorado. Attorney Jung Wook Choi is licensed to practice law in Tennessee.

To learn more about attorneys in Z&A attorneys, please click on the following links:

Attorney J. Zhang Attorney V. Bush Attorney J. Zhou Attorney J. Xu
Jerry Z. Zhang L. Victor Bush Jian Joe Zhou Jane Xu
Attorney B. Wisniewski
Bennett Wisniewski Robert K. Feldman Yazhou Wang Jung Wook Choi
