Dear Mr. Jerry Zhang,
It is with great appreciation that your law firm, and specifically your attorney Jane Xu, had taken my case in midcourse at the "request for evidence" (RFE) stage and saw it through to successful conclusion. Deciding to use Jane as my attorney was the best decision I could have made. Her insight and guidance in generating and gathering the required reference letters and other documents was invaluable for the Petition for Permanent Residency with request for a National Interest Waiver. It took a lot of effort to successfully argue the case for "alien of exceptional ability," which was much more difficult than those with advanced degrees. I sincerely appreciate the dedication, hard work, insightful editing, and prompt service that she gave to my case. Even prior to officially taking the case, Jane's suggestions improved the chances of success tremendously. The level of professionalism she demonstrated is uncommon, and successful conclusion of the case demonstrates that she clearly distinguishes herself as an expert in immigration law.
Thank you so much!
Kind Regards,