Information We Need to Assist You with Naturalization

Providing the following information will assist Zhang and Assoc. in guiding you through the naturalization process:


  1. Copy of Alien Registration Card (Green Card);

  2. Two recent identical photos;

  3. Copy of passport;

  4. Copy of marriage license, if you are claiming eligibility for naturalization based on marriage to an U.S. citizen;


  1. Information about you
    1. Last name ____________ First Name _______________Middle Name_________

    2. Address in the U.S. ________________________________________


    1. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)___________Country of Birth____________________

    2. Social Security Number______________________________________________

    3. A#____________________________

  1. Basis for eligibility (Check one)

    1. __ I have been a permanent resident for at least five years;

    2. __ I have been a permanent resident for at least three years, and have been married to an U.S. citizen for those three years

    3. __ I am a permanent resident child of U.S. citizen parents;

    4. __ I am applying on the basis of qualifying military service in the armed forces of the U.S. and have attached completed forms N-426 and G-325B;

    5. __ Other (Section of Law _________________)

  2. Additional information about you

    1. Date you became a permanent resident (mo/day/yr)___________________

    2. Port where admitted with an immigrant visa or USCIS office where granted adjustment of status


    1. Current citizenship________________________________

    2. Name on Alien Registration Card (if different than Part I.)__________________

    3. Other names used since you became a permanent resident___________________

    4. Sex(male)_____(female)_____, Height__________

    5. Marital Status (single)____(divorced)____(married)____(widowed)____

    6. Can you speak, read, and write English? (yes)______(no)______

    7. Have you ever been absent from the U.S. since becoming a permanent resident?
      (yes)_____ (no)_____

If "yes" complete the following:
Date left the U.S._______________________
Date returned _______________________
Did absence last 6 months or more? (yes)___(no)___
Destination _______________________
Reason for Trip_______________________

  1. Information about your residence and employment

    1. List your address in the last 5 years or since you became a permanent resident, whichever is less. Begin with your current address.

(Street number)       (City)    (State)  (Zip code)    (Country)      From   To

    1. List your employers during the last 5 years. List your present or most recent employer first.

(Employer's name)       (Employer's address)       From    To    Occupation/Position

  1. Information about your marital history

    1. Total number of times you have been married____________

    2. Information about your current husband/wife

(Last name)____________(First name)________________(Middle name)______
(Date of birth)______________________
(Country of birth)_____________________, (Citizenship)___________________
(Social Security number)__________________________A#_________________
(Immigration status, if not U.S. citizen)_________________________
(Date of Naturalization)________________
(Place of Naturalization)________________

    1. If you have ever been previously married, or if your current spouse has ever been previously married, please provide the following: Your prior spouse

(Date of marriage)___________________________
(Date marriage ended)________________________
(How marriage ended)________________________
(Immigration status of prior spouse)_____________
The prior spouse of your current spouse
(Date of marriage)____________________________
(Date marriage ended)_________________________
(How marriage ended)_________________________
(Immigration status of prior spouse)______________

  1. Information about your children

    1. Total number of children_______

    2. Please provide the following information about your children:

Name     DOB     Country of birth     Citizenship      A# Address (If different than yours)

  1. Membership and organizations

List your current and past membership in or affiliations with organizations, associations, funds, foundations, parties, clubs, societies or similar groups in the U.S. or outside the U.S. Include any military service in this part.
Name of organization    Location    Dates of Membership    Nature of organization

  1. Complete only if you checked "c" in part II.

    1. How many of your parents are U.S. citizens? One__ Both__

    2. Please provide the following information about one of your U.S. citizen parent(s):

Last name_______________ First name________________ Middle name_________
Basis of citizenship (birth)____________
(Naturalization certificate number)______________________
Relationship to you (natural parent)___________(adoptive parent)____________
(Parent of child legitimized after birth)__________________
Date of adoption or legitimization_______________________________________
Does this parent have legal custody of you? (yes)____(no)____

(Updated 10/08/12 by NT)

For other information about Naturalization, please click the following links: