Attorney Fees and Filing Fees for F-1 Visa

Case Type

Filing Fee and Other Fees

Initial Attorney's Fee

Fees due upon Approval

Total Attorney's Fees, Filing, and Other Fees

Link to Contract

F-1 Petition


Check with attorney


Check with attorney


Change of Status from J-1 to F-1


Check with attorney


Check with attorney


For payment method, please click here.

Important Notice:

Fees listed above are subject to change without a notice. Moreover, they are for the majority cases in each category. An individual client may be charged at a higher fee, depending on the totality of the circumstances for the client. Zhang and Attorneys have the discretion to charge a higher fee than the fee schedules listed above.

(Updated 10/12/2012 by AD)

For more information about F-1 visas, please click on one of the following links: