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Service Highlights

We pride ourselves on having expertise in these services and counseling...

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Immigration Information

We provide the comprehensive on-line immigration law library...

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Z&A on Houston 100

We have been honored as one of the fastest-growing fastest-growing private businesses...

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(RICE)2 Reflects Our Values

Results-oriented & Respect for clients: We always keep in mind that clients demand positive results. Therefore, we do everything possible under the law to advance our clients' best interests. Furthermore, we treat clients as we would like to be treated ourselves. Our clients deserve our highest respect.

Integrity & Information: We work with our clients openly, honestly and quickly. When we promise that we will do something, we will do it. Others may talk the talk, but we walk the walk. The exchange of information is a vital and essential part of a professional relationship - we are committed to keeping our clients informed. We strongly believe that information is meant to move and that information moves people. This website is an example of that belief.

Communication & Commitment: One of the most frustrating experiences one can encounter is the inability to get in touch with one's attorney, particularly when an important issue is on the line. Our clients never have this problem. Our lawyers are accustomed to working as a team and share access to a common database of clients; in the event that your attorney is occupied or otherwise unavailable, another will be readily available to take your call, answer your fax, respond to your e-mail, or to meet with you. Timely communication enables us to handle your case to your satisfaction and relieve your anxieties.

Extraordinary & Expertise: We are satisfied with nothing less than the very best in our professional services and we will continue to raise the high standards that we set for ourselves. Our attorneys enjoy the challenge of discovering just how good they can be – and how much they can do for you. To this end, we work to enhance our expertise by continuous learning, practice and teamwork.

At Zhang & Associates, we possess an unwavering commitment to respect our clients, communicate all information to our clients openly and honestly, and most importantly, achieve extraordinary results for them.

Together, we can achieve the extraordinary.

Want to know more about Z&A? Please read more about out Our Philosophy, Our Work Style and Our Values.