
Securities practice requires a comprehensive understanding of current securities laws and regulations as well as administration procedures. Our securities team is experienced with public offerings and listings both in China and in the U.S. Backed by our affiliated PRC law firms, approved by the PRC securities regulatory authority to practice securities law in China, we are active in the securities market.  We assist corporations with their public offerings on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and the NASDAQ. We are also experienced in bond offerings. Through years of hard work in China's securities market, we have established good relations with the PRC’s big securities dealers.

We advise restructuring plans, prepare all the documentation on the conversion to or formation of the company limited by stock, draft application materials, and assist in all the relevant applications. For foreign companies listed on the Hong Kong Exchange or NASDAQ that have Chinese interests, we are able to issue legal opinions on such Chinese interests and submit it to China’s Securities Regulatory Commission.

We also have attorneys experienced in U.S. Securities law. We can help Chinese companies overseas become listed on the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ.

You may find relevant information by visiting the following links:

Please see the other practice areas of Chinese law in which we can provide consultations below: