Requirements for a U Visa

In order to qualify for a U nonimmigrant visa, an alien must meet the following qualifications:

  1. The alien is the victim of a qualifying criminal activity.  You can find a list of qualifying criminal activities below:

    1. Abduction

    2. Abusive Sexual Content

    3. Blackmail

    4. Domestic Violence

    5. Extortion

    6. False Imprisonment

    7. Female Genital Mutilation

    8. Felonious Assault

    9. Hostage

    10. Incest

    11. Involuntary Servitude

    12. Kidnapping

    13. Manslaughter

    14. Murder

    15. Obstruction of Justice

    16. Peonage

    17. Perjury

    18. Prostitution

    19. Rape

    20. Sexual Assault

    21. Sexual Exploitation

    22. Slave Trade

    23. Torture

    24. Trafficking

    25. Witness Tampering

    26. Unlawful Criminal Restraint

    27. Other Related Crimes

  2. The alien suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of being the victim of the qualifying criminal activity

  3. The alien has information about the criminal activity. 

    1. If the alien is under the age of 16 or unable to provide information due to a disability, then a parent, guardian, or next friend may possess information about the crime on the alien victim’s behalf.  A “next friend” is someone who acts on the behalf of another who is not legally able to act independently.

  4. The alien was, is, or is likely to be helpful to law enforcement in their investigation or prosecution of the crime. 

    1. If the alien is under 16 or unable to provide information due to a disability, a parent, guardian or next friend may assist law enforcement on the alien’s behalf.

  5. The crime occurred within the U.S. or violated U.S. law

  6. The alien is admissible to the U.S.  If the alien is not eligible, he/she may apply for a waiver on a Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Non-Immigrant.  You may download Form I-192 from us here and the instructions to the form here.

Certain family members are also eligible for derivative U nonimmigrant visa status through the principal U visa holder.  A discussion of qualifying family members can be found below:

    1. If the U visa principal is under the age of 21, they may petition for derivative status on behalf of their, spouses, children, parents, and unmarried siblings under the age of 18.

    2. If the U visa principal is 21 years of age or older, they may apply on behalf of their spouses and children.

    For more information on the U visa, please click one of the following topics: