Specific Information on Qualifying Positions

L-1A Managers and Executives

The L-1A visa beneficiary should hold a managerial or executive position. Generally speaking, managerial capacity means an assignment with an organization in which the primary duties of the employee include:

  • Managing the organization, department, subdivision, function or component;
  • Supervising and controlling the work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees, or managing an essential function within the organization or department or subdivision of the organization;
  • The authority to hire and fire or recommend personnel actions (if other employees directly supervised), or manages an essential function within the organization or department or subdivision of the organization;
  • Exercising direction over day-to-day operations of the activity or function

First-line supervisors are usually not considered managers for L-1A visa purposes unless the employees they supervise are professionals. For example, a junior supervisor in an accounting firm may qualify under this definition because the employees he/she oversees are professional accountants.

For more information on L visa, please refer to the following links: