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Attorney Park,

I would like to express my appreciation to you and your firm for the national interest waiver I received for which the approval notice was dated 31st August, 2016.

This appreciation is in order considering that I had a history of two details by another attorney and law firm in 2013 and 2014. Because of the previous denials by the USCIS; I insisted on meeting you in person because I wanted a personal assessment of your firm. While in your office last year at our first and only personal meeting, before signing an agreement for the petition, I kept assessing you but also wondering to myself if I was making the right decision. I assessed you for every nuance especially when I asked several questions looking for loopholes while you answered my questions. It was clear to me after the one-hour meeting that you are very experienced.

When I compare and contrast your level of professionalism and honesty throughout the process of this application with the other attorney and firm, I know I made the right decision. Your prompt response to emails and questions is very commendable. I must also say that your attention to details especially with the recommendation letters is also commendable.

In addition, your ability and willingness to ensure that we worked together throughout this entire process prior to sending out the national interest waiver petition is appreciated. Carrying me along throughout the process also helped me to feel confident in your ability to deliver.

I have been very wary of visiting Nigeria because of the implications of appearing before a consular official in an American embassy in Nigeria, for this reason, I had decided not to travel to Nigeria to see family. Because of you and your firm, I feel a burden taken off from my shoulder. In the near future, I will be able to work without restrictions here in the United States.

Thank you so much, you made me smile again.

Best wishes,
