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非常感谢您为我付出的努力!我知道这个Case , 非常困难, 通过努力,现在把不可能的事情变成可能。我的运气实在太好了,通过这次事情让我想起的一句话,一切皆有可能!



Comments from Attorney Jian Joe Zhou:  The individual beneficiary is in China and does not have any college education.  However, the beneficiary has worked in mechanical engineering field for more than 15 years, and has real world skills in designing packing machines.  The highest education the individual received is a diploma from high school level technical training in mechanic.  The individual has worked for a couple of reputable companies in the past 15 years, and has received several patents in China for mechanic design.  We collected and well documented all working experience for the beneficiary, and located a professor in mechanic engineering from a reputable university to evaluate the individual’s credentials.  Based on the experiences and real world achievements, the professor came to a conclusion that the beneficiary has equivalent level of knowledge and skills to an individual that has received a bachelor level of training in Mechanical Engineering from a credited university in the US.  The case was filed under regular cap case on April 1, 2014 with premium processing request.  The case was selected for quota (good luck) and was approved straight on April 30, 2014 (USCIS started premium processing for cap H-1B on April 28, 2014) without RFE.  In general, in achieving equivalent of bachelor level education, some college education is needed for H-1B even one has years of experiences.  However, immigration regulations and case law also allow equivalent evaluation based on extensive experience alone.  Trustable sources of experience verifications and professional evaluations are critical evidences for the success of the petition.  Of course, the employer/petitioner has a perfect matching business setting for the offered position. When an attorney has such kind of challenging case approved, it is a feeling of accomplishment of a piece of art work.