EB-1C Services We Provide

Before beginning your EB-1C application process, our experienced immigration attorneys are here, free of charge, to evaluate both your situation and your employer's with respect to options available for your pending immigration plans. If you and your employer are interested in a free, expert consultation, you are invited to send us your resume and employer’s information by e-mail to freeevaluation@hooyou.com, or by fax to (713) 771-8368. After we review your resume, we’ll provide our honest assessment of your eligibility under the EB-1C category, and ultimately help you decide whether an EB-1C visa is appropriate for you. If we determine it’s more appropriate for you to apply under another category, such as labor certification, we’ll let you know how we arrived at that recommendation.

After you retain us for your EB-1C case, our seasoned attorneys will facilitate your application through the following steps:

  • We’ll communicate with both you and your employer to chart a strategic path forward for applying under this visa category.
  • We’ll identify and resolve any and all legal issues in order to establish the eligibility of your employer as the petitioner, as well as your qualifications as the beneficiary.
  • We’ll review, translate (if required), and organize all necessary application materials in a consolidated petition package, which will include all petition forms and an expertly written petition letter for your employer.
  • After we review the completed petition materials, we’ll send them to the designated U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Service Center.
  • Thereafter, we’ll keep in touch with USCIS as your case is evaluated, and keep you and your employer apprised of developments throughout this waiting period.
  • In the event USCIS makes a request for additional evidence on your pending case, we will respond to the request promptly, submitting the additional documentation required within the timeframe stipulated.
  • As soon as USCIS makes a final determination on your EB-1C application, we will promptly inform you and your employer of the result.

If you are thinking of retaining our firm for your EB-1C application, refer to our Attorney’s Fees and Filing Fees page.

For more information on the EB-1C visa, refer to the following links:

Our experienced immigration attorneys are here to assist you in your EB-1 application. For more detailed information on the EB-1 category, including minimum requirements and USCIS policies, refer to the following links:

Updated 04/10/2017