USCIS 澄清哪些機構不受H1B 配額影響
其實,這些機構的定義本身是很直接而清楚的,沒有疑義。有疑義的是原文中的「employed or has received an offer of employment at」 有 關的這些機構。即使申請人並不是在上述的這些機構工作,如果僱主能夠證明申請人的工作與這些不受配額限制的機構的工作有關,則申請人仍然不受H1B配額的限制。下面的例子能幫助我們理解這一規定。
USCIS進一步定義了什麼是「related or affiliated nonprofit entity」 。定義如下:the entity must be 「connected or associated with an institution of higher education, through shared ownership or control by the same board or federation operated by an institution of higher education, or attached to an institution of higher education as a member, branch, cooperative, or subsidiary.」
而對於非營利機構(nonprofit research organization) 的定義則如下: 「an organization that is primarily engaged in basic research and/or applied research.」
政府研究機構的定義如下: 「a United States Government entity whose primary mission is the performance or promotion of basic research and/or applied research.」
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