Improving Productivity and Client Service with Oracle CRM On Demand

Recently, Oracle CRM On Demand, a customer relationship management system, featured a story about Zhang & Associates on their public website. This story covers our law firm’s pioneering adoption and implementation of the Oracle (CRM On Demand) system, the same system used by USCIS for case management.

Zhang & Associates adopted the CRM system back in 2006 to help manage cases in a timely, centralized and efficient manner, from our locations all over the country. Our firm sought a robust, yet easy-to-use system as the key to sustaining excellent customer relationships and case management. As our firm grew from twenty to forty employees, and from two offices to seven locations, CRM enabled us to effectively track, manage, and report on the status of client cases through one centralized repository. Today, CRM enables Zhang & Associates to provide clients with timely answers to questions about their cases, allows us to optimize our resources, and provides insights into case trends, such as case approval rates and timeframes.

For example, if a USCIS officer calls one of our firm’s attorneys about a client’s case, the attorney will be asked to provide detailed client information to the officer, such as the client’s date of birth and current address. In the past, before adopting the efficient and centralized CRM On Demand system, an attorney would have had to dig through countless paper files, searching for such specific client information. Especially as our firm has grown and we have expanded our locations across the nation, such a search would have been incredibly time-consuming. Now, with CRM, our attorneys can simply log into CRM while the USCIS officer is still on the phone, and quickly and accurately retrieve client information within seconds. This benefits our practice and our clients tremendously by making the application process, and interactions with USCIS, more efficient and easy than ever before.

In yet another example, imagine that a client calls our firm about a case that they filed with us five years ago. Perhaps the client is starting a new case and needs information regarding a past approval notice, but they no longer have their copy, or they simply need to verify their own records. Without a centralized, online database such as CRM, retrieving such information would necessitate sifting through years’ worth of closed case documents. This process would be very time-intensive and demand staff attention that could be applied elsewhere. With CRM, however, one of our attorneys can easily access a client’s past case information, and find everything from the date the approval notice was received, to the approval notice receipt number. The attorney can then pass this information on to the client right away, essentially eliminating the wait time for such valuable information. By streamlining this process so proficiently, CRM On Demand allows our attorneys to spend even more time focusing directly on their practice and clients.

Today, as the only law firm in the US using Oracle’s CRM On Demand, we are proud to stand out as an early adopter of the same customer relationship management system as used by USCIS and Fortune 500 companies throughout the US. Through years of experience using CRM On Demand, we at Zhang & Associates have found the system incredibly helpful, efficient and beneficial to our practice and our clients. Oracle states that 98% of Fortune 500 companies achieve better results by using Oracle—we certainly have! Adopting CRM into our everyday practice has enabled us to provide our clients with better service than ever before.

At Zhang & Associates we always strive to contribute more to our clients. With CRM’s help, we can provide accurate and rapid information to clients regarding their cases or legal filings, whenever it is requested, keeping legal proceedings moving at the fastest pace possible. Please see the Oracle website for more details:  Zhang & Associates, P. C. - US Immigration Attorneys and Counselors.

Founded in 1996, Zhang & Associates, P.C. offers legal services to clients nationwide in all aspects of U.S immigration law. We have successfully handled thousands of immigration cases.

At Zhang & Associates, P.C., our attorneys and supporting professionals are committed to providing high-quality immigration and non-immigration visa services. We specialize in NIW, EB-1, PERM, and I-485 cases. In the past fifteen years, we have successfully helped thousands of clients get green cards. If you plan to apply for a green card, please send your CV to Attorney Jerry Zhang ( for a free evaluation.

Zhang & Associates, PC.

Silicon Valley • New York • Los Angeles • Chicago • Houston • Austin

Tel: 1-800-230-7040, 713-771-8433

